Does It Snow In Brazil? All You Need To Know In 2022

Last Updated On December 02, 2022

Yes, It snows in Brazil. Many people wonder if it snows in Brazil, a country known for its abundant sunshine. That is accurate! Even yet, snowfall is infrequent in the south, where temperatures are lower, and the terrain is hillier.

Moutain Range of the River Track, Bom Jardim da Serra, Brazil

Photo by Mateus Campos Felipe on Unsplash

Snowfall is, in fact, a yearly occurrence in numerous parts of Brazil. If you visit Brazil during the right season, you can see snow in the high plains, far from the balmy beaches of the north and the humid stretches of the Amazon rainforest in the south.

Where does it snow in Brazil?

The high plains of southern Brazil get most of the country's snowfall. The states of Rio Grande do Sul, Paraná, and Santa Catarina comprise Brazil's southern region. Brazil is the size of a continent, stretching 4,378 kilometers (2,720 miles) north to south.

Because of its size, it has a wide range of climates, including equatorial (Amapá and Pará), semi-arid (Rio Grande do Norte and Paraba), and high-altitude tropical (Sa Paulo, Minas Gerais).

Brazil's subtropical zones in the south are just outside the tropical climate zone, and this, combined with the country's high elevation, allows it to snow. On a map of Brazil, look south of the Tropic of Capricorn and further into the interior to find where you are most likely to experience snowfall.

Where does the most snowfall in Brazil?

So Joaquim is not only the Brazilian city with the most snow days, but it is also a source of cash for the region, with an estimated 13 000 visitors each year to experience the cold! On August 7, 1879, Brazil's most significant snow ever recorded fell in Vacaria, Rio Grande do Sul.

On this occasion, more than 2 meters of snow fell. For the second time in Brazil, significant snow occurred on June 15, 1985, at Pico das Agulhas Negras. This mountain is the fifth tallest in Brazil, located in the Itatiaia national park between Rio de Janeiro and Minas Gerais.